Wednesday, September 17, 2014


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This product is a replica of the original Samsung Galaxy Tab3, but I can assure you that this
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While the original Samsung Galaxy Tab3 (7”) goes for between N50,000 and N60,000 in the
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If you can get this product as soon as possible you will be among my early clients and you will
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Yes, with just N25,000 you can own for yourself a new SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB3 PLUS AN EXTERNAL KEYBOARD POUCH!!!
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 This is your opportunity to own a BRAND NEW SAMSUNG TAB3 (7”-replica) for only N25,000.

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 Please visit this link below for something also very interesting:



Thursday, September 11, 2014


1 Cor 13: 4-7.

From the above scripture, we can see the various qualities of love and by extension the qualities of a friend. The people we would call our friend's should possess these qualities. THIS IS NESSESSARY! But unfortunately, these qualities are in direct variance with the human nature. Any average person is naturally impatient, rude, envious, proud, unfair, self-centered, ill-tempered, ill-mannered, etc. All these stem from the SIN NATURE of man. So, for you to ever be a good friend to anybody, you need to first and foremost submit your life to Jesus Christ and allow God's Spirit to dwell in you. That way, you'll be able to overcome these natural tendencies. Again, in choosing a friend we must observe people around us carefully while asking yourself the following questions:
1. Does he/she love God?

2. How does he/she treat other people?

3. Going by what i have observed and known about him/her, can he/she stand by me come what may?

4. Is he/she able to keep secrets?

5. Is he/she capable of challenging me through his/her own life? In other words, will he/she be a good influence to me?

6. Is he/she able to give wise counsel whenever i ask of him/her? Etc.

If you find a good friend who possesses all these qualities, then you are on your way to a good marriage. Not that there will not be storms along the way, but you are well placed to whether them TOGETHER!!! Marriage is not that difficult. All you just need to do is follows God's principles.


Thursday, September 4, 2014


The above picture is Nigeria’s Leader, President Goodluck E. Jonathan preparing to give out his daughter in marriage recently. This striking picture quickly reminds us that we (the Church) are also being prepared by God for the marriage feast in Heaven where we will be joined to our Groom (Jesus) never to part again. (Revelation 19 vs 7)

But there’s a problem! Unlike the picture above where the bride is ready for the marriage, the Church is not ready for the coming of the Groom (Jesus). Again, Jesus said He is coming to rapture a church without spots or wrinkles. In other words, our garments must be PURE WHITE!!! (Revelation 19 vs 8)

So what is distracting us from being ready? Well, let’s look at the scripture below:

            "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
              of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. TEACH these new disciples to OBEY
              ALL THE COMMANDS I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you
              always even to the end of age." Mathew 28: 19-20.

 The above scripture is Jesus' instructions to His disciples and by extension, THE CHRUCH! We were mandated to go to the world and make disciples. And this mission requires committing ourselves TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY TO GOD. The Church today, unfortunately, has lost sight of this mandate given by our Lord Jesus and we have exchanged going out to make disciples with HAVING FUN IN CHURCH in the name of service and "POWER-PACKED PROGRAMMES". We take everything for granted and hence are not able to discern the devils crafty entrance into the Church. It really saddens me to observe that the Church has adopted the WORLD'S SYSTEM AND PREFERENCES so much so that though we claim to love Jesus in our songs and prayer, we are really far away from knowing Him.

This is simply because we have refused to OBEY HIS COMMANDS as stated in the above scripture.

 Friends, believe it or not, JESUS IS COMING SOON. When He comes, will He meet you ready like the five wise virgins or He’ll meet you unprepared like the five foolish ones. PLEASE, BE WISE!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


L-R: Amber Rose at the 2014 MTV MusicVideo awards, Ashanti and Claudia
 Jordan at the 2014 BET awards.
The Entertainment Industry, which includes both movie
(Hollywood) and music, is the bane of our society today.
These industries have introduced our teenagers and young
adults to immorality which will take only the grace of God to
curb. You cannot even imagine what goes through the minds
of our young people who idolize these ‘CELEBRITIES’.
In a bid to either impress, prove a point or just be weird, these
‘celebrities’ have taken fashion to the extreme. Their brand
of fashion includes ,but not limited to, body exposure, tattoo’s,
and other crazy styles.
L-R: American Beauty star Mena Suvari, Former basketball star Dennis Rodman and Lena Dunham.
 I have always told people that the easiest way to know
what God hates is to simply observe what the world loves!
This may sound strange to some, but this is the TRUTH. Jesus
said,” Love not the world, neither the things that are in the
world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is
not in him. For all that is in this world, the lust of the flesh,
The lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father
but of the world (1 John 2:15-16).
 Below are some other nasty pictures you would love to hate,
otherwise how else can one explain this unpresedented and satanic
 body exposure and total disregard for human dignity.
But please endeavor to pray for them for they know not what
they do!

This is totally disgusting! Don't you think? L-R Amber Rose and Jennifer Lopez

May God have mercy on us all!!! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Ray Boltz, who sold about 4.5 million records before retiring from Christian music a few years ago, came out of the closet Friday to announce that he's gay.

In an interview with the gay magazine The Washington Blade, Boltz said he came out to his family and some close friends in December 2004, but only now decided to go public with the news.

"I'd denied it ever since I was a kid," Boltz, 55, told the magazine. "I became a Christian, I thought that was the way to deal with this and I prayed hard and tried for 30-some years and then at the end, I was just going, 'I'm still gay. I know I am.' And I just got to the place where I couldn't take it anymore — when I was going through all this darkness, I thought, 'Just end this.' "

One reason Boltz decided to come out now might be because he's performing Sunday at Jesus Metropolitan Community Church in Indianapolis, and then next Sunday, Sept. 21, at the Metropolitan Community Church of Washington, D.C. Both congregations are a part of a denomination that embraces the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) community.

Boltz is perhaps best known for his song "Thank You," about a dream in which a Christian thanks the Sunday school teacher who led him to Jesus. It was the GMA song of the year in 1990. Other Boltz hits include "Watch the Lamb," "The Anchor Holds," and "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb."

Boltz also told The Blade that he doesn't want to get into debates about Scripture and has no plans to "go into First Baptist or an Assembly of God church and run in there and say, 'I'm gay and you need to love me anyway.' "

For him, the decision to come out is much more personal.

"This is what it really comes down to," he says. "If this is the way God made me, then this is the way I'm going to live. It's not like God made me this way and he'll send me to hell if I am who he created me to be — I really feel closer to God because I no longer hate myself."

Earlier, Boltz had alluded to the issue on his official website, saying that if people "knew who I really was, I would never be accepted."


Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Islamic State militants seized control of the "Christian capital of Iraq,” Qaraqosh, and nearby Christian villages last night. The land grab sent has sent an estimatedone-fourth of Iraq's remaining Christians fleeing.
"An exodus, a real via crucis ... [Christians] are walking on foot in Iraq's searing summer heat towards [salvation in] the Kurdish cities of Erbil, Duhok and Soulaymiyia, the sick, the elderly, infants and pregnant women among them," a regional Christian leader told AsiaNews. "They are facing a humanitarian catastrophe and a real risk of genocide. They need food, water and shelter."
Qaraqosh, Iraq's most-populous Christian city at 50,000 people, is in the province of Ninevah, 18 miles southeast of Mosul, where CT recently reported the Islamist takeover of Iraq's second-largest city. The move brings IS (formerly ISIS) on theborder of Kurdish territory. (The Telegraph maps where Christians are concentrated in Iraq in relation to other religious groups, and The Guardian mapswhere the militants have control of the region.)
Bishop Joseph Tomas, of the Kurdish city Kirkuk, said the IS offensive started on Wednesday with attacks on Qaraqosh and four other villages: Tilkaif, Bartella, Karamless, and Alqosh. The militants held complete control of the villages by Thursday, reports the Associated Press.
“All Christian villages are now empty,” said Bishop Tomas. Already, IS militants have taken down crosses on churches and burned church manuscripts, according to the BBC.
The AP reports that IS has also overtaken the Mosul Dam, Iraq’s largest dam and a central resource for the country’s water and power.
As IS militants continue their sweep of northern Iraq toward the capital of the Kurdish region, tens of thousands of Christians are on the run, trying to avoid the IS ultimatum given in Mosul and other areas: convert, pay a protection tax, leave, or die.
Thousands of Iraqis fled to the mountains after the predominantly Yazidi (another religious minority) town of Sinjar fell, where they have no food and water. Open Doors reports that 45 children have already died of thirst as Kurdish troops have no way of getting to the stranded refugees.
Pope Francis has appealed to the international community to aid Iraqi Christians as they flee the harsh conditions:
“[O]ur brothers and sisters are persecuted, they are pushed out, forced to leave their homes without the opportunity to take anything with them,” said Pope Francis, according to the statement. “To these families and to these people I would like to express my closeness and my steadfast prayer. Dearest brothers and sisters so persecuted, I know how much you suffer, I know that you are deprived of everything. I am with you in your faith in Him who conquered evil!”
The United States's U.N. ambassador, Samantha Power, condemned the IS’s attacks.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Are couples who live together
MARRIED before God?
An article in Psychology Today warned against couples living together prior to taking their
marriage vows.  
The article pointed out that couples who live with each other prior to marriage have double
 the risk of getting a divorce versus those who do not. According to their findings, couples
who cohabited before marriage generally had lower quality relationships and were less
satisfied in the marriage than those who first got married and then started to live together.
In spite of these observations, the article stated that 30 or 40 or so years ago living together
was rare and still frowned upon by society. Today, however, millions of couples live with  
each other without being married. "Some evidence indicates that women have less control
 over the progress of the cohabiting relationship . . . Cohabiting men may carry their
uncertainty forward into marriage, with destructive consequences."
The article also quoted a study that found that men who lived with their mate BEFORE they
 got married were generally less commitment to the relationship versus couples who did live
together pre-marriage.
The concept that couples living together who have sex are married before God is widely
 believed in some religious circles. It has merit in the sense that the married state is a relationship
initiated by the Creator and is His choice for all of mankind. Most cultures, indeed, are
 predominantly monogamous - one man married to one woman, and for life.
In a discussion on divorce, Jesus agreed with this, going on to say "What God has joined man
should not separate" (Matthew 19:6). Note - not whom but what God has joined. The state of
 marriage is God's choice, He ordained the marriage relationship. He does not individually
enter into every marriage! All marriages in the divine economy are to be monogamous
and for life. Increasingly, however, human frailty fails to comply - thus forfeiting the full
value of the marriage relationship.
Marriage is a coming together of a man and a woman to complete one another, to become "one flesh" (Genesis 2:24) - emotionally, intellectually, spiritually as well as sexually. Clearly the
latter is important, for among God's initial instructions to the first couple was to "be fruitful
and multiply." It is through the enlargement of the human race that God's purpose for humanity
 is fulfilled - for we all have the potential to become sons and daughters of the Almighty.
Marriage, then, is not to be taken lightly. This has been recognized through the millennia,
 and, to 'cement' the union, it is usually surrounded by elaborate, public ceremony with
commitment to permanence and enforced by social norms. The breakdown of this pattern,
especially in the Western world, has contributed to the decadence and decay of our civilization.
It can be seen, then, that sexual union by itself is far removed from an authentic - and
Godly - marriage. The evidence above suggests mere cohabitation falls short on all counts.
But what of fornication? The Greek word porneia is in the New Testament translated so. In
 essence it is all forms of illicit sexual activity - in or out of marriage. (Any behavior that falls
short of divine standards is 'illicit'.) Anyone who promiscuously persists in habitually having
 multiple sexual partners is a 'fornicator' (elsewhere translated 'whoremonger'), and is until
repentance excluded from God's Kingdom. When such practices are permanently abandoned,
they can, in Christ, be forgiven.
It is doubtful that a heterosexual couple in a stable cohabitation situation is guilty of 'fornication' - though it falls short of the glory of God, and does not reflect the divine purpose of commitment
 to a life-long marriage.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It’s a must-attend programme you cannot possibly afford to miss. You can’t get the best when you are only told about it. It promises to be LIFE-CHANGING AND DESTINY-AFFECTING and features IMPARTATION, MUSIC, FILM SHOW, DELIVERANCE, REVIVAL, etc. here below are some shots from last years’ edition:

After presentation of a brand new mini laptop computer to
the winner of the 2013 Youth Week Bible Recitation
A pose with the 2013 Youth Week baby of the year
During an explosive session of Praise and worship.

 You can see for yourself!!!

During the contest and prize presentation to the winner
Meet the judges during the bible recitation

A group photograph by the youths and friends

This years’ edition is tagged:“SPIRITUAL AWAKENING” with PASTORS EVANS EDEMEKONG AND UNWANA MBEDE as guest ministers while REV (Lt.Cdr) NI IDAKWO is our host.

This wonderful programme will hold from 28th July to 3rd August 2014, 5pm daily and 10am on Sunday at All Saints’ (Prot) Church, Akim Navy Barracks, IBB Way, Calabar.

Powered by: All Saints Youth Fellowship.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


The Four Blood Moon Tetrad Phenomena Under Examination
History is littered with the dead bones of prophecies and predictions that failed the test of time.
In recent times it is likely you will have been aware of The Jupiter Effect, Michael Drosnin's Bible Code, the Quatrains of Nostradamus, Y2K and more recently the December 21st 2012 predictions.
So what makes the four blood moons prophecy different to all that we have seen before? Is this another prophecy tragedy or could this celestial event be the most incredible sign of the times?

Signs in the Heavens

The significance of celestial, astronomical and heavenly events has been a key feature of world history from the time of Genesis. If we go to the book of Genesis we see a profound statement made by Moses in his account of the creation of the heavens by God Almighty. Why did God create the stars in the heavens in the first place? We read one significant answer in Genesis, the first chapter. Moses wrote:

“And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years” Genesis 1:14

From a biblical perspective the use of the Sun and Moon as signs is evident. For instance in the book of Joshua chapter 10, the sun and the moon stood still for Joshua and his army over Gibeon, so they could have enough day time to complete the war. In Genesis we see that a young Joseph had a dream that involved the sun, moon and stars which would become a symbolic prophecy of his rise to greatness.

Incredible heavenly phenomena have been witnessed throughout history and there would be too many to feature here. However the following provides a snapshot of strange events which immediately triggered an association with bible prophecies.

                                                                                                     courtesy: prophetic news watch

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


By Dr. Mercola
Oftentimes, the simplest foods are best for your health, and this is certainly the case for nuts, in which God has crafted a nearly perfect package of protein, healthy fats, fiber, plant sterols, antioxidants, and many vitamins and minerals.
Among nuts, the case may be made that walnuts are king, as research shows they may boost your health in a number of ways at very easy-to-achieve "doses."
Eating just one ounce of walnuts a day (that's about seven shelled walnuts) may be all it takes to take advantage of their beneficial properties.
7 Top Reasons to Eat Walnuts
Walnuts belong to the tree nut family, along with Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, and pistachios. Each has its own unique nutritional profile.
One-quarter cup of walnuts, for instance, provides more than 100 percent of the daily recommended value of plant-based omega-3 fats, along with high amounts of copper, manganese, molybdenum, and biotin. Some of the most exciting research about walnuts includes:
1. Cancer-Fighting Properties
Walnuts may help reduce not only the risk of prostate cancer, but breast cancer as well. In one study, mice that ate the human equivalent of 2.4 ounces of whole walnuts for 18 weeks had significantly smaller and slower-growing prostate tumors compared to the control group that consumed the same amount of fat but from other sources.
Overall the whole walnut diet reduced prostate cancer growth by 30 to 40 percent. According to another study on mice, the human equivalent of just two handfuls of walnuts a day cut breast cancer risk in half, and slowed tumor growth by 50 percent as well.
2. Heart Health
Walnuts contain the amino acid l-arginine, which offers multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease, or those who have increased risk for heart disease due to multiple cardiac risk factors.
If you struggle with herpes, you may want to avoid or limit walnuts, as high levels of arginine can deplete the amino acid lysine, which can trigger herpes recurrences.
Eating just four walnuts a day has been shown to significantly raise blood levels of heart-healthy ALA and walnut consumption supports healthful cholesterol levels.
Separate research showed that eating just one ounce of walnuts a day may decrease cardiovascular risk, and among those at high cardiovascular risk, increased frequency of nut consumption significantly lowers the risk of death.
3. Rare and Powerful Antioxidants
Antioxidants are crucial to your health, as they are believed to help control how fast you age by combating free radicals, which are at the heart of age-related deterioration.
Walnuts contain several unique and powerful antioxidants that are available in only a few commonly eaten foods. This includes the quinone juglone, the tannin tellimagrandin, and the flavonol morin.
Walnuts contain antioxidants that are so powerful at free-radical scavenging that researchers called them "remarkable," and research has shown that walnut polyphenols may help prevent chemically-induced liver damage.
4. Weight Control
Adding healthful amounts of nuts such as walnuts to your diet can help you to maintain your ideal weight over time. In one review of 31 trials, those whose diets included extra nuts or nuts substituted for other foods lost about 1.4 extra pounds and half an inch from their waists. Eating walnuts is also associated with increased satiety after just three days.
5. Improved Reproductive Health in Men
One of the lesser-known benefits of walnuts is their impact on male fertility. Among men who consume a Western-style diet, adding 75 grams (a bit over one-half cup) of walnuts daily significantly improved sperm quality, including vitality, motility, and morphology.
6. Brain Health
Walnuts contain a number of neuroprotective compounds, including vitamin E, folate, melatonin, omega-3 fats, and antioxidants. Research shows walnut consumption may support brain health, including increasing inferential reasoning in young adults.
One study also found that consuming high-antioxidant foods like walnuts "can decrease the enhanced vulnerability to oxidative stress that occurs in aging," "increase health span," and also "enhance cognitive and motor function in aging."
7. Diabetes
The beneficial dietary fat in walnuts has been shown to improve metabolic parameters in people with type 2 diabetes. Overweight adults with type 2 diabetes who ate one-quarter cup of walnuts daily had significant reductions in fasting insulin levels compared to those who did not, and the benefit was achieved in the first three months.