Thursday, June 23, 2016


Welcome to Enebong’s Music Academy where we teach and facilitate the learning of both the theory and practice of music. We offer General and Executive Training services to both Choir's, singing groups and individuals on the following:
1.       Voice Training
2.       Theory of Music
3.       Tips on leading in worship
4.       Principles of leadership in the Music Ministry
5.       Learning to play Musical Instruments
6.       Playing and singing using the Staff Notation
7.       Rudiments of/and Chords used in Contemporary Music
8.       Jazz and other related scales
In line with the above (item nos 5), we will also teach you how to play the following instruments:
1.       The Piano/ Electric Organ
2.       The Jazz drums
3.       The Bass guitar
4.       The lead guitar
5.       The saxophone
For further details and executive class arrangements, please reach us via:
GSM:             07030179133 or 08052407712 

Below are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure:

The Programme facilitator while performing with his choir.

The trained band.

The Programme Facilitator on the keyboards along with the trained band.

The Programme Facilitator on duty with the trained choir.

A student while receiving home (executive) tutelage from the programme facilitator.

Yours in the Ministry,

Akabom E. Enebong
Programme Facilitator.

1 comment:

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