Showing posts with label Marriage and Endtime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage and Endtime. Show all posts

Thursday, September 11, 2014


1 Cor 13: 4-7.

From the above scripture, we can see the various qualities of love and by extension the qualities of a friend. The people we would call our friend's should possess these qualities. THIS IS NESSESSARY! But unfortunately, these qualities are in direct variance with the human nature. Any average person is naturally impatient, rude, envious, proud, unfair, self-centered, ill-tempered, ill-mannered, etc. All these stem from the SIN NATURE of man. So, for you to ever be a good friend to anybody, you need to first and foremost submit your life to Jesus Christ and allow God's Spirit to dwell in you. That way, you'll be able to overcome these natural tendencies. Again, in choosing a friend we must observe people around us carefully while asking yourself the following questions:
1. Does he/she love God?

2. How does he/she treat other people?

3. Going by what i have observed and known about him/her, can he/she stand by me come what may?

4. Is he/she able to keep secrets?

5. Is he/she capable of challenging me through his/her own life? In other words, will he/she be a good influence to me?

6. Is he/she able to give wise counsel whenever i ask of him/her? Etc.

If you find a good friend who possesses all these qualities, then you are on your way to a good marriage. Not that there will not be storms along the way, but you are well placed to whether them TOGETHER!!! Marriage is not that difficult. All you just need to do is follows God's principles.


Thursday, September 4, 2014


The above picture is Nigeria’s Leader, President Goodluck E. Jonathan preparing to give out his daughter in marriage recently. This striking picture quickly reminds us that we (the Church) are also being prepared by God for the marriage feast in Heaven where we will be joined to our Groom (Jesus) never to part again. (Revelation 19 vs 7)

But there’s a problem! Unlike the picture above where the bride is ready for the marriage, the Church is not ready for the coming of the Groom (Jesus). Again, Jesus said He is coming to rapture a church without spots or wrinkles. In other words, our garments must be PURE WHITE!!! (Revelation 19 vs 8)

So what is distracting us from being ready? Well, let’s look at the scripture below:

            "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
              of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. TEACH these new disciples to OBEY
              ALL THE COMMANDS I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you
              always even to the end of age." Mathew 28: 19-20.

 The above scripture is Jesus' instructions to His disciples and by extension, THE CHRUCH! We were mandated to go to the world and make disciples. And this mission requires committing ourselves TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY TO GOD. The Church today, unfortunately, has lost sight of this mandate given by our Lord Jesus and we have exchanged going out to make disciples with HAVING FUN IN CHURCH in the name of service and "POWER-PACKED PROGRAMMES". We take everything for granted and hence are not able to discern the devils crafty entrance into the Church. It really saddens me to observe that the Church has adopted the WORLD'S SYSTEM AND PREFERENCES so much so that though we claim to love Jesus in our songs and prayer, we are really far away from knowing Him.

This is simply because we have refused to OBEY HIS COMMANDS as stated in the above scripture.

 Friends, believe it or not, JESUS IS COMING SOON. When He comes, will He meet you ready like the five wise virgins or He’ll meet you unprepared like the five foolish ones. PLEASE, BE WISE!!!