Monday, June 29, 2015



Welcome to ENEBONG’S MUSIC Academy where we offer our experiences and ministry spanning between twelve (12) and seventeen (17) years to train your music ministers and help them attain the height of their music ministry and personal development.  We will be training/facilitating on the following areas:
1.       Voice training and production
2.       Theory of Music
3.       Tips on leading in worship
4.       Principles of leadership in Music Ministry
5.       Learning to play the musical instruments e.g. The Piano (keyboard), the jazz drums, the bass guitar, etc.

In addition to the above, we also offer executive and private lessons on the following:
1.       Voice training and production
2.       Theory of music
3.       Learning various musical instruments
4.       Playing and singing using the staff and sol-fa notations

Our programme will span for up to 90 days or three months depending on the arrangement and meeting schedule agreed upon.

We are therefore ready to partner with you so that together we will raise up men and women who, having been properly equipped with the requisite knowledge and skills required of a music minister, will be able to first, offer and then lead the church in offering unto God quality and acceptable worship. Remember what Jesus told the Samaritan woman in John 4:23, “But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.”

For more details, please call us on: 08052407712 or 07030179133

Or visit us at:

Below are a few pictures:
 The Programme Facilitator on the Keyboards accompanied by the Band at the background.

The Programme facilitator along with the Trained Choir Vocals

 A student recieving tutelage at home by the programme Facilitator.
 The trained Band along with the Programme Facilitator on duty during a Church Service.


Yours in the Ministry,




One of the most common excuses for not giving the needy is: ‘I had to work for what I’ve got; so should they.’ TRUE, the Bible teaches that if you’re not willing to work you’re not entitled to support (2 Thess 3:10). But do you know:

1.       Six million children under five die every year of starvation?

2.       One out of seven goes to bed hungry every night?

3.       The three richest people on the planet have more collective wealth than the combined gross national product of the world’s forty-eight poorest countries?

General Booth, who founded the Salvation Army, said, ‘How can you convince a man of the love of God if his feet are perishing with the cold?’ if your prayers aren’t being answered, here’s something to considered. The Israelites fasted and prayed, then complained that God wasn’t answering their prayers. That’s when he told them: ‘This is the kind of fast day I’m after: to break the chains of justice…get rid of exploitation in the work place, free the oppressed, cancel debts…I’m interested in seeing you…sharing you food with the hungry…putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, being available to your own families. Do this and lights will turn on, and your lives will turn around at once. Your righteousness will pave your way. The God of glory will secure your passage. Then, you pray, God will answer. You’ll call out for help and I’ll say, “Here I am” (Ish 58:6-9 TM). When you care for the need, the Lord promises to ‘deliver you in times of trouble.’(Psalms 41:1 NKJV).   

                                                                                                                                                            -BOB GASS
Have you ever asked yourself, WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF MY WEALTH? You may not necessarily be wealthy, but we must know that whatever God blesses us with, He expects us to reach out to others with it. THIS IS THE TRUE PURPOSE OF WHATEVER YOU HAVE. LEARN TO SHARE WITH OTHERS!